Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is the source, the seed, of the energy of Fire that runs through all the cards in the suit of Wands. In this card, we can see the element Fire in its raw, pure form. Like with all Aces, there's no manifestation or physical form of this energy yet; there's only the seed, the potential, the beginning of the energy of Fire.

Aleister Crowley describes the Ace of Wands in the Book of Thoth: "This card represents the essence of the element Fire in its inception. It is a solar-phallic outburst of flame from which spring lightnings in every direction." In this card, we can see an orange wand exploding with energy. The flames are arranged in the form of the Tree of Life. The red background represents high energy, while I see the green as a reminder of the spiritual and creative nature of the element Fire. In the Book of Thoth, Crowley discusses this side of Fire: "The letter Shin, which is the letter of Fire, has to do double duty by representing Spirit as well."

Personally, I see the Ace of Wands as a powerful, high-energy card that represents the potential to actually make things happen. On a day ruled by this card, I'd expect the beginning of something new or achieving a great accomplishment. I'd see a situation in which you're filled with willpower and active, creative energy, so it's easy to accomplish whichever goal you've set for yourself - such as completing a task at work or beginning a new creative project. I'd expect a big breakthrough or great progress in whatever you've set your will on that day. It's easy for you to get things done.

However, I'd still keep in mind all this energy is nothing but potential yet, as is the case with Aces. As Aleister Crowley puts it, "It is the primordial Energy of the Divine manifesting in Matter, at so early a stage that it is not yet definitely formulated as Will." The potential of new beginnings and great accomplishments is there, but you'll have to make them happen. The idea is there, the egg has been fertilized, but it depends on your will and the situation (and things like the surrounding cards when doing a reading) whether the idea will turn into an accomplishment, if the child will be born, or if absolutely nothing is going to happen.

It's also important to keep in mind the powerful energy of Ace of Wands is still raw and untamed, reckless and headstrong. This energy has to be controlled and channeled into something useful. It's up to you whether you will control this energy or if the energy controls you, carrying you away! If you recklessly rush into a new project without having considered it through or if you get so carried away with a new project you forget everything else, you've been affected with the uncontrollable side of the energy of Fire. So, this card also serves as a warning to not let this happen.

To sum everything up, I see the Ace of Wands as a card representing huge potential power and perhaps a new beginning. Just as any potential, it depends on you whether it will be used or if nothing is going to happen. Also, just as any power, it can be harnessed and controlled, in which case it will be a very powerful tool. However, if you're not capable of taming this energy, it will carry you away and consume you, in which case it will be a very powerful master.